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Islam is a religion of Peace

First of all I want to explain the meaning of word ' Islam '
Islam is a word formed from the Arabic consonants s-l-m . . . Using these consonants to form the verbal noun Islam creates the meaning “to enter into a state of peace”, which is conventionally translated into English as “surrender” or “submission”. The word Muslim is an active participle based on the same word; hence, a Muslim is literally “one who enters a state of peace”, “one who surrenders”, or “one who submits”. Islam, therefore, is an action that brings two parties into a peaceful relationship: the one who surrenders and the one to whom one surrenders . 
Secondly, I want to tell you how Other religion historians explain Islam founder Hazrat Muhammad SAWW 
here is a letter of Sir George Bernard Shaw.
I have always held the religion of Mohammed in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality.

It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capability to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. 

The world must doubtless attach high value to the predictions of great men like me.

I have prophesied about the faith of Mohammed that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today. 

The medieval ecclesiastics, either through ignorance or bigotry, painted Mohammedanism in the darkest colors. 

They were in fact trained both to hate the man Mohammed and his religion.  

To them Mohammed was Anti-Christ. I have studied him — the wonderful man, and in my opinion far from being an Anti-Christ he must be called the Savior of Humanity.  

I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much-needed peace and happiness.

But to proceed, it was in the 19th century that honest thinkers like Carlyle, Goethe and Gibbon perceived intrinsic worth in the religion of Mohammed, and thus there were some change for the better in the European attitude towards Islam. 

But the Europe of the present century is far advanced.

It is beginning to be enamored of the creed of Mohammed.

I believe that if today an autocrat of Mohammed’s caliber assumes world leadership, he could solve all problems of humanity splendidly.

The world will become an abode of peace and happiness.

I predict that tomorrow’s Europe will embrace Islam.”
Thirdly, I want to tell some short about the true scholars of Islam and you people well known about that personality and that is Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, also known as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī, Mevlânâ/Mawlānā, Mevlevî/Mawlawī, and more popularly simply as Rumi.  and he was a great humanity lover and also lived in our hearts because of his poetry of love. Rumi loved for humanity is infinite. he said hundred years of ago. 
" Come, come, get closer. Till when is this banditness going to continue? Since you are I and I am you, what is this ‘us and them’? We are God’s holy light, we are God’s mirror. So why are we struggling with each other? Why is one light running away from another light so much? We, all human beings, are gathered like a body in the being of a mature human. But why are we squint-eyed? Although we are limbs of the same body why do the rich look down on the poor? Why does the right hand look down on the left hand of the same body? Since both of them are hands of your body what is the meaning of lucky and unlucky on the same body? We, all the human beings, are in reality all one essence. Our minds are one, and our heads are one. But we have been seeing one as two due to the curved heavens. Come, liberate yourself from this selfishness and reconcile with everybody and be nice to people. As long as you are in you, you are a grain, a particle. But when you mix and unite with others, then you become an ocean, a mine. Every human being carries the same soul but the bodies are in hundreds of thousands. Similarly, there are countlessly many almonds in the world, but there is the same oil in each of them. There are many tongues and dialects in this world but the meaning of all of them are the same. Water put in different containers unite when the containers are broken and start to flow together as one stream. If you understand what the unity (tevhid) means, if you attain unity and if you rip and throw away meaningless words and thoughts, the spirit sends news to those whose eyes of the hearts are open and tells them the truth. "
(Divan-i Kebir, v. 6, no. 3020)
fourthly, I want to tell you a simple example of Islamic faith peace and having loveliness to each other  is that you know when  A muslim meets with other muslim what he say , he said "assalamualaikum" that means 'peace be unto you'.

there is a lots of reason to say Islam is a religion of peace and love.So I conclude that all the false assumption about Islam are false 
 and At last I want to give a message of love to all the peoples of world lets join hands to put peace in world and face by joining hands, terrorism and hatred-ness. It does not matter how you are where you from and whats your religion, is Humanity is above all religions. Join your hands to save humanity in Syria Libyan Iraq and Afghanistan etc.
Spread Love and Be in peace 

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