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Everything in this living world has their own taste, happiness has their own, the gathering has their own likewise loneliness has their own. Loneliness has a major impression on humans' life. It has the power to change human lifestyle, ambitious thoughts, and behavior with others. When someone goes in isolation then he memorizes his past and thinks about his future. Then a certain thought develops in the human brain which moves that person toward goodness or depression. It depends on his thinking. In short, he can achieve whatever he wants. Because when someone is alone he starts thinking and observing without any distraction. In this calm environment, humans brains start work more efficiently. As a result, people's power to focus on specific things start increasing and due to this effect, imagination strength improve. When someone goes at this stage he can do whatever he wants because what a mind can conceive and imagine he can achieve. For this imagination Albert Einstein said
“Imagination is more important than knowledge".
Loneliness provides a quiet environment, give rest to a human brain and give chance to think about the purpose of existence.

So for a successful life, someone should have to enjoy the beauty of loneliness with positive thought and put your problems in front of his mind to get solutions. When things are analyzed in such a way humans mind have the power to solve this enigma because humans have superiority over other creatures due to the smartness of their brains. So for a happy and creative life, we should spend time every day for our accountability and positive thinking.

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