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Son of a Bastard (Tale of Two Friends)

" NEVER GIVE UP " was the statement echoing in my mind when I was seated at Railway station a far away from my house at 8:30 PM thinking about my next day, and waiting for the train to come Because I was traveling from my home place to country capital Islamabad for my job interview. It was my 10th interview and I was still jobless at the age of 30. There was a family pressure on me and feeling of disappointment was obsessed on my mind. I was feeling very hopeless that night. Like my inner feelings, Station was also in darkness with no light and the weather was cold that night. So in this Cold season, My mind picked a story from my memoir that changed my state of mind and gives me a little ray of hope that to fight for my next day job interview. It was the story of my close friend Hassan tawny colored face, thin legs, and physically weak but sharpened by the mind. He was very smart with good at making strategies for a specific purpose. My whole childhood spent with him playing in our own street. He belonged to a poor family. His father had an aggressive and harsh nature toward his own family because he was a drunk man. One night he sat with me and start weeping. I asked him "why are you weeping My Brother? He replied to me " today my father come home after a drunk and ordered my Mom to give me one cup of tea and my mom replied there is no milk and tea at home right now and my father starts slapping to my mom for nothing. " and after that he starts regretting about his life and said " Tell me, Brother, Why I Born in such family ? Why my father behaves me and Mom like this? I love my father but he doesn't love me Why? " My heart starts weeping like his eyes I gave him sympathy and said " Don't worry my brother Soon this time will pass and InshaAllah One day Sun will rise for you and enlighten your heart and a good time will come. Believe in yourself because you are the master of your heart and you are the captain of your soul...and stop regretting... " I did not know why I said these words to him and where from these words came. I just said him with a melted heart because that Day my Friend was in pain and I can not do anything except giving sympathy. That were the days when we both were studying in Matric at Government High school which was situated near to my old Home. After that night His habits changed he start reading books and struggling toward his future I don't know what was his dream in life and his nature becomes rebellion. Now he starts moving from a hard time with patience but never gives up. after that, my family shifted to another city and we separated from each other permanently and we hoped to meet again in life at another edge of life. I go for bachelor education in university but I really missed him because we spent our whole childhood together like a real friend and never find a friend like him. At last, I heard a train horn sound in my ears when I came out of my memory the train had arrived. I traveled the whole night and reach Islamabad at morning. That was a fresh morning and cool breeze was blowing. I ate breakfast from a nearby hotel of Islamabad Railway station. Finally, I reached the company where I came for an interview with little hope of a job. When I entered the room for the interview and I was shocked to see my friend as the interviewer I can not imagine how I feel when I saw him in first sight. My heart feels eternal love at that moment and I also observed the same feeling on his face. At that moment he forgets how to take the interview and treat me like a friend. Then we talk to each other for four hours and talked about the time we were separated from each other and about golden days we spent together in our past. He also memorized me of that night and thanks me for that piece of advice. He gave me accommodation for staying me in Islamabad. After that day we again start spending life together with a new spirit. and then I understand the chapter of true friendship. Friendship is one mind in two bodies. But the final thing is that real heroes are those who are doers, who face problems with patience, not those who just talk and give advice to other, Real heroes are those who do not give advice to others their life story becomes an inspiration for other and their acts become words. Real heroes are those who never give up in hard times...

Friends are the blessing of Allah 

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