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Obstacles To Reaching Your Goals

     Obstacles to reaching your goals
  • Outlines
1.     Not find a mentor 
2.     Go with the flow
3.     Do not want change
4.     Family pressure
5.     Do not plan things
6.     Do not set goals
7.     Thinking about future threats & past regrets
8.     Do not want to go on different paths
    ·       Explanation 
 Now I will Explain one by one theses outlines with brief discussion and self-observation.
1.      Family Pressure
As most of the world population is living below Poverty line, So we have to work for our family to provide basic needs and it comes in the form of family pressure. And during facing this pressure, we have to stick on that work which provides basic needs and do not find time to think about our goals. So, we need to get rid of this pressure.
2.     Not find a mentor:
If we go through history we always see a man behind any successful person which taught him how to follow your dreams as someone said “one pen, one book, and one teacher can change the world.” So we need to find a mentor or teacher that teaches us how a man can find his destination and for that, we have to plan and go on journeys.
3.     Go with the Flow:
One more hurdle that comes is Go with the flow. Human nature depends on the environment you are living so most of the society believe in that hurdles they just wake up go to work and at lost sleep. So a man who is living in that society also become a victim of that formula.
4.     Do not want Change:
So, after becoming victim of that above formula this point comes in the forum of side effect. A man who start living with the flow do not want believe in change.
5.     Do not plan things:
Allah gives us brain to think about anything. But unfortunately, we do not use our brain to plan things. Successful people always think before taking decisions. We do not aware of the power of thinking. So, by planning things we could manage everything.
6.     Do not set Goals:
One problem with us is that we start working without setting goals and in most of the cases we are not aware about out destination for which we are studying or struggling.
7.     Thinking about future threats and past regrets:
As we know ‘Every threat has a destination of annihilation’. We always think about our future life threats and past regrets and we start indulging in those thoughts which takes us toward negativity and we finally die.
8.     Do not want to go on different paths:
In most of the cases, we forget that life is a journey People comes around you and at lost we have to leave them to continue journey
9.     Conclusion:

In order to become successful in life we have to ignore these hurdles. If we fell in these things we never be able to think positively and at last I want to give one remedy for success that is “ Always believe in yourself when nobody believes in you” one more thing always observe difficulties from your mind and try to find a solution and never indulge in these difficulties.
And At last I want to quote Steve Jobs “ STAY HUNGRY STAY FOOLISH” 

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