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State vs Avenfield Verdict ( A Political Prospective )

Every Political and common man was looking toward The accountability court to see the verdict of long hanged case against Nawaz sharif family of London flats. At last the accountability court give a historic judgment against Nawaz Sharif family and I think every Pakistani is well aware about that judgment in which Nawaz Sharif is sentenced 10 years for owening assests beyond known income and not one year for not cooperating with NAB, Maryam Nawaz 7 years for abetment and his Nawaz sharif son in Law, Captain Safdar with one year imprisonment for not cooperating with NAB. After all its controversial judgment because PMLN is most populated party in Pakistan and their is a large number of supporters of Nawaz Sharif. So if we see this judgment in political prospective, it has a large impact on Pakistan politics. As we are well aware election'18 are on front at 25th july.
First of all This verdict will discourage PMLN leaders, election campaigns and disturb it badly. It is positive point for opposition that they will get vote by telling people about this verdict. And Its a positive point for PTI which second popular party in Pakistan right now, to get a vote. Rumors were also on Social media that the PMLN is going to boycott the 18'election due to panama verdict against the Nawaz Sharif in which he is disqualified for lifetime.  

Secondly, Every Judgment has good and bad things both. As PMLN is always talk against Apex courts and NAB. So PMLN will try to get a vote of sympathy from voters by saying that NAB is giving bias judgment against Sharif Family because its supported by ' KhalaiMahklook ' . 
Thirdly, It will also disturb the personal reputation of Three time prime minister Nawaz Sharif in Globe. Geographically, Pakistan is Important country in world So its political changes have a great impact on world politics. and In this a state leadership matters a lot. So almost every county media reported on this verdict and thats why it;s  bad omens for Nawaz Family. 
Overall It will damages a lot the Noon league Politics and disturbs the mainstream politics. So we have to be self aware of all this and have to be sincere with state. and we have to rethink after this judgment in upcoming  elections in regards of vote. As a voter we Should always give vote to that  Party which is sincere with common people and state. 

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