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The word ‘Life’ astounded me sometimes because in words its look simple but when we start thinking it becomes inextricable reality. It has chaotic nature at every instant. All persons who meet in life or in recorded history gave different meaning to this Word according to their nature of work. There are lots of question which comes in mind why its meaning is different for everyone? Why we were created? What’s the purpose of our life? Etc.
If we start observing our life from the birth toward present then we will conclude that its importance has been changing at every instant. When we are happy we love this life and when we are sad we hate this life why? Sometimes we go in deep depression and want to leave this life. It all happens in different shapes.
Human history is always evolving and changing his concept of life with time. Some said that if you want to discover the reality of life go and ask this reality from the heart of ‘Qays’ Life is not easy road We have to cross the rivers of fire to reach its destination. Exploring Life is really an interesting subject. Most of People come in this world, don’t take it seriously and at last leave this world with no aim. Some people understand your life goals, but they don’t work hard to achieve that goal and at the end leave this world with heavy heart. But very few are those who understand their life goal and work hard to achieve their goal and end up with satisfaction.
In my understanding everything in this world has specific mission or to achieve a specific goal, there is nothing in this world without aim whether it’s human or animal. Life is not about existence of someone but it is about how he achieve his specific goal and how many years he lives after his death. Goals are good gift tasks Humans have only task of exploring and achieving that task. Ups and Downs are part of life, we never stay at Destination unless it’s your goal. Just Give Time to Time, time will change when you need time to be changed. Be consistent, Stay away from Ignorance and Focus on your dreams. 

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