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IT TAKES TIME (weapon of success)

Everyone in this imaginary world creates its own history and he fights for his own destiny. During the journey of life, we face difficulties, hardships and feel moments of blessing and happiness. But at the last stage of life we start believing, NOTHING IS PERMANENT.

Through out life, we dream for different goals. Some of us achieve that specific goals and other fails. Achievers get satisfaction in the end and losers get regrets at the end of life.Both type of people dreams well and purse towards their dream efficiently. But what is the magical thing which give success to achievers and give failure to losers? what differs loser and achiever? When hard things happened in both type of peoples life, Loser thinks it is the end and achiever tells to his mind 'believe in yourself, it is the price of success that you are paying, It takes time'. Loser thinks I can not comeback and achiever thinks ' I'm a fighter and had fighted in the past So I can fight '.
Whenever you feel harsh or hopeless in life, always follow the path of patience. People will oppose you even try to destroy you. But always thinks Allah will plan best for you and its okay if you are going slow but don't move backward ! Great things takes time. your height of dream describes the struggle for your dream. If a man want to be a president of a state he has to pay the price of that president ship. So without patience you can't achieve big.
Patience is a quality of person which increase by bearing and things will easy to bear if you have trust in Allah, believe in yourself and have thirst for your dream. Whenever you  depressed or feel tired always learn how to rest, not to quit. because a man dies a day when he thinks I can not do it.

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