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Edhi -- A Man who deserves Nobel Peace Prize

“No religion is higher than humanity.”

Today is 2nd death anniversary of the last angel of mercy, a man who devoted his whole life for homeless shelter and animals shelter, a man who was registered as the father or guardian of 20000 children, a man who established the biggest volunteer and private ambulance service in the world, the most respected and legendary figure of Pakistan Sir Abdul Sattar Edhi. Today I clearly remember when I heard the demise news of Sir Edhi, I did not feel well during the whole day, I even not speak with anyone. because his death was not the death of a individual one, but the death of the father of every poor and orphan children.
When Nobody was not ready to help, the only man stepped out of the ambulance in the shape of angel. For him everything is humanity once a journalist questions him about his religion he replied ' My religion is humanitarianism, which is the basis of every religion in the world '. he always said when you stepped out of the luxurious life then you understand the real meaning of life. I think he was the man who truly understand Islam because he always said “Empty words and long praises do not impress God. Show Him your faith by your deeds”. If we talk about his personal life he was such a humble person who spent his whole life with simplicity. Nobody was not like him in this world. Because he was the man who understand the value of a one man as hadith said ' the murd of a one is the murd of whole humanity '.
  He was awarded with several peace awards during his life span including Lenin Peace Prize, Gandhi Peace Award, and Nishan-e-Imtiaz etc. At his day about two years are about two it seems that he is now present in us because his works are his legacy. He is the man who is remembered. So, after all I want to say that he is the man who deserves Noble peace prize. If we do not do like this, we will not do good with history and our hearts. His lost words when he left us are that " Remember the poor people of my country ". 

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