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Impact of CPEC on Telecom and IT sector

Status Quo tells us the Chine Pakistan economic corridor (One belt One Road part) is a game changer for Pakistan development. It will affect nicely to the Pakistan economy, relation with world countries, and prosperity of nation If we talk about the IT and telecom sector CPEC is investing Rs 486.726 million for expansion and up gradation of 3G/4G services and seamless coverage along karakarm Highway and in Gilgit Batisan Through CPEC. Through the support of Engineers and IT Professionals the government is spreading Optical fiber Cable from China border to Islamabad for voice and data transmission. It will completely upgrade the Pakistan technology and most of all benefit is that it is going to provide Job opportunities for Telecommunication and IT professionals. People will be going to provide by good and efficient telecom services.
As a Part of CPEC two countries signed an Economic and technical cooperation agreement. The two countries have also pledge to establish the “China-Pakistan Joint Marine Research Centre” with State Oceanic Administration and Pakistan’s Ministry of Science and Technology. Also, part of CPEC agreement, China and Pakistan have agreed to cooperate in the field of space research. In February 2016, the two countries agreed to establish the “Pak-China Science, Technology, Commerce and Logistic Park” near Islamabad at an estimated cost of $1.5 billion.
This park is planned to be constructed in the range of 500 hectares, which will be provided by Pakistan to China’s Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, with all investments expected to come from the Chinese side. The venture shall be of co-ownership between Pakistani side and Chinese counterparts; Chinese partners shall attract merchants and project investment. The project would be completed in the time period of 10 years spread over 3 distinct phases of 3, 4 and 3 years respectively. During this period, the project envisages employment generation of up to 150,000 personnel. The project has two parts:
·              Establishment of Science and Technology City
·              Establishment of Commercial and Logistics Park                                                  
Pak-China IT Park seeks to encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, provide interface to industry and academia thus encouraging competitiveness of the geographic vicinities through co-locating knowledge adapting, knowledge producing and knowledge-using enterprises. This will help Pakistan and China to shape and increase economic activities through job creations and investments, improving visibility of knowledge, capability enhancement and inspiring knowledge workers mobility.
CPEC will also help to shape up the telecommunication industry through Promotion of TD-LTE commercialization in Pakistan. TD-LTE will be something new in terms of telecommunication technology here in Pakistan; right now the widely available LTE is FDD-LTE which is being used by all the operators in Pakistan.
Conclusively, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is undoubtedly a historical project. It is opening new avenues of progress for Pakistan. After its full completion it has the potential to benefit all segments of the country including the IT industry of the country. This phenomenal development will be key facilitator in accelerating industrial growth & digital transformation of the country.

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