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Tehreek-e-Labbik Party (TLP) future in Pakistan politics

Tehreek e Labbik Party apex Leader 
Tehreek-e-Labbik Party (TLP)is a religious political party whose manifesto is to the implementation of Islamization in Pakistan.  They don't want a democratic system of governance because the mentioned system is influenced by the west. Due to their extreme thoughts, they don't want to admit the western influenced system in the Islamic state.
But these statements are just preconceived opinions. The reality is ugly and despicable. As we know TLP almost consists of Islamic religious Mullahs by name. The only thing they want is power and for this purpose, they are playing with the sentiments and emotions of ordinary and uneducated peoples. To Get power, They are trying to get the vote on the name of Islam. For this purpose, they are miss-interpreting Islam and this thing will put Islamic ideology in threat in Pakistan.
In my thoughts, TLP is under amateurs, cocktail and old-fashioned leadership. They are just threat to the sovereignty of the state and they are the birth of time due to high ill literacy in Pakistan and we just need to educate people they will vanish with the time from the scenario.
This Opinion may controversial but that's the ground face and us to understand this to become a prospering nation.

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