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Kashmir Conflict between Pakistan and India

In order to Interpret and understand Kashmir conflict we need to go through  the history of Kashmir at the time of independence 1947. At the time of independence, Kashmir majority population was Muslims and the state Maharajah was sihk, Hari Singh. The difference between Pakistan and India was cultural and  religious. So as being the Maharajah of Jammu and Azad Kashmir, belonging from a Sihk family he decided to go and Stay with India contrary to Public of Kashmir. So the conflict starts here Public of Kashmir wants to stay with Pakistan but it is under the control of India. Pakistan and India fought war after  independence in 1947 and got control on the some area which is know as Azad Kashmir nowadays. But most of the territory is still under the control of India. Both countries have fought three wars over Kashmir, including The Indo-Pak war 1947, 1965 and Cargill War of 1999. The two countries have also been involved in skirmishes over control of the Siachen Glacier.
Pakistan also put this issue in United Nations many times but all the table talks are failed and the conditions goes worse day by day. Kashmiries are also fighting for their independence and their is a condition of Civil war in Jammu Kashmir. India applied army in Kashmir in order to block Kashmiries protests. 41,000 plus lives were sacrificed in the name of independence. Human rights organization also put this conflict a humanitarian issue due to the continues civil war between Public and Indian Army.
In recent months Pakistan government is also changed and the command of country is now in the hands of Imran Khan. Once again he want to negotiate this issue by table talks. But the Indian government refused to talk with now government by saying that we don't want talks because the Kashmir is our territory. Kashmir is geographically an important area for both countries because of its beauty and natural resources of water. Different writers and analysts gave different solution of this conflict but they all go in vein.

The only appropriate solution is to declare Kashmir as independent state by keeping different treaties on the issues of water and for both countries. So the Kashmir peoples can live their life according to their desire because independence is the right of every person. Their is nothing good in war both countries fought already three wars, So to avoid from economic disaster and for the peace of south Asia we immediately Solve this conflict and move foreword toward better lightened countries. I hope this peace will lead this region of south Asia toward prosperity and this Region has enough potential to create a nation which will lead the world.

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