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Understanding Judicial system of Pakistan

If we see verbally the judicial system of Pakistan, then we will definitely end that It's un breakable, nobody  can above the law, and all the things are working excellent here. But if someone deeply study the system with proper observation then result will be totally averse of the earlier statement. Basically here two constitutions are implemented in which one is derived from British constitution with amendments. And the other one is Shariah Law designed and implemented by General Zia. But in realistic approach none of them is completely implemented. Elite class use judiciary for their own purpose a lower class people wait and wait for justice. There is another law which is not legal but used in most of the cases that is "panchayat " or in tribal areas known as "jirga" system. In this system justice is a rare thing. Basically jirga system is implemented in rural areas and tribal areas.In jirga system, there is group which are understood to be sagacious from all they give judgement on any matter. In rural areas kinship is very strong component and the respect of a tribe is very priorities among tribesmen. So for this sake most of the people does not get justice. Matters are solved through negotiations. If anyone want to get justice through legal system the only thing he will get is wait wait and wait. Justice process is too slow. If anyone submit plea in land case he has to wait for a long time sometimes for lifetime. Pakistan judicial system is corrupt, and politically biased. Its a system where big fishes come out from latch but not small... 

There is a need of strict judicial reforms in judicial system. Their should be a fixed deadline to finish a case. Jirga system should be completely banned and their should be one Law for every one.  

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